Front view of Teatro Solis in Montevideo
By Ken Looi
History of Solis Theater:
Constructed in 1840.
Designed by an architect, Modena Carlos Zucchi.
Construction stopped due to civil war in1843.
Resumed construction by an architect Francisco Javier De Germendia who modified Zucchi’s original plan in 1852.
Opening performance was on August 25, 1856.

Teatro Solis concert tickets

Teatro Solis at night
We attended the Festival Mozart conducted by Diego Naser..

Program guide in Spanish

The interior

The ceiling

Diego Nasser, the conductor and some of the musicians
Ticket for this performance was 150 Uruguayan Peso (US $8) for 1.5hr. Tickets could be purchased at the door, but advance booking is needed for better sitting. The price is the same for all sitting. Credit card is accepted because not all businesses in Uruguay accept credit card.
Photos are my own. Kindly let me know if you would like to use these photos.
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